Mindset, Vibration, Positive And Negative Vibes

Do you feel overwhelmed about everything in your life, or about certain aspects of your life?

Every journey, it is said, begins at the first step. Your first step in anything is to work on you. You may be taking a leap of faith into some vast, wild territory where everything seems impossible. In order to prosper at anything, you need confidence. You need personal development. You need to apply the Law of Attraction.

Remember: everything begins with a thought. Thoughts lead to actions, which leads to the results of those actions made manifest in your life.

The Orville brothers had a thought about a flying machine. They took the action of sitting down to design their machine and then going out to test it. They manifested the ability for you to go to an airport and be anywhere in the whole world in a matter of hours. And you thought you were sailing uncharted waters!

Thoughts like, ―I can‘t do this, ―this won‘t work, ―well, I‘ll give it a shot, but what if it doesn‘t work out, lead only to two kinds of actions - Inaction or inefficient action. Either you talk yourself out of starting something, or you procrastinate. As a result, your life fails to manifest what you desire.

Compare this to positive, supercharged thoughts like: ―Nothing‘s going to stop me, ―I have every tool I need, ―Other people have done this and so can I, ―I‘m totally committed, ―I won‘t hold back, ―I‘ve got a plan.

Thoughts like this lead to you taking appropriate action. You get that job. You build that business. You buy your dream house. You stop fretting over the technicalities and the ―can‘t do and get creative about the ―can do. You start outsourcing anything you can‘t deal with on your own. You keep learning. You polish up your management skills and you keep your mind in the right place — and little by little, your small efforts turn into something much bigger: the manifestation of a new life.

Many people feel that their lives can be no more than difficult work situations, unhappy relationships, poor health, and a mountain of debt. Unless these people change their attitudes, they can never know the abundance they can get through the Law of Attraction.

There can never be a lack of anything that you want if you follow the Law of Attraction. That means that there is enough for everyone to have what they want. This is especially true because some people want certain things and other people want something else. According to the Law of Attraction, what you want is always possible.

One concept of the Law of Attraction can be stated as something like, "what you get is what you see." What this means, in this case, is that when you see a result, you will be filled with a vibration of energy based on that result. If you see good, you will send out good energy.

Emotional energy plays a big part in the Law of Attraction. It is what is commonly known as a ―vibe, and is referred to as a vibration by scientists studying the law of attraction. Chances are that you are familiar with the term. Have you ever been with someone who is so happy they seem to be radiating a ―glow which inspires happiness in all those around them? Have you ever walked into a room and simply thought ―there is a good vibe in here?

By the same token, have you ever spent time with someone who was so critical and unhappy that they consistently gave off a ―negative vibe which seemed to suck the life and happiness out of all those around them?

Our vibrations are usually an unconscious response to some form of environmental stimulus; something that has happened which has caused us to feel happy, or sad, or scared, or confused, or stressed, etc., and our subconscious response to this (because vibes are generated and projected from the subconscious rather than the conscious) is something that is beyond our control.

There are a number of feelings which lead to positive and negative vibes being emitted, and it is important that we understand what each of these are :

--- Positive vibes --- 

Positive vibes are generated from good feelings, such as:

- Joy
- Love
- Excitement
- Abundance (of anything that causes a positive response)
- Pride
- Comfort
- Confidence
- Affection

--- Negative vibes --- 

Negative vibes are generated from negative feelings, such as:

- Disappointment
- Loneliness - Lack (of any of life‘s necessities or luxuries)
- Sadness
- Confusion
- Stress
- Anger
- Hurt

So it's best to keep those thoughts and vibes positive and happy! Explore the various links in the descriptions below and Start Living The Life You Were Meant To Live. Draw Money, Success, and Happiness.

EffortlesslyManifest Your Dreams!

How To ManifestWealth, Happiness, and Success

The Magical Science Behind The Law Of Attraction

Think and act like a millionaire-6 Steps

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