Law Of Attraction - Manifestation Miracle

The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives more of what we focus our attention on. The more good we put out into the universe, the more that comes back to us in multitude. The more negative thoughts that go on in our minds, the more of those situations that seem to occur.

The outer world is a direct reflection of the inner world (and not the other way around), and so we are creating our reality every day, every moment, consciously or unconsciously by the thoughts that are going on in our minds.

The Law of Attraction rewards us for actively choosing the thoughts that go on in our minds, rather than letting them run on autopilot. It awakens us to thought blockages that occur without our permission, ones that were put there by well-meaning parents, teachers and others who caused us to put limits on what we believe about abilities and potential.

We use the Law of Attraction combined with our unique Destiny Tuning approach to consciously and intentionally manifest more wealth, love, happiness and success into our lives, and can’t wait to share this process with you too.

The Manifestation Miracle process works regardless of whether or not you believe in the Law of Attraction because a lot of our success principles are backed up by scientifically proven research.

The Destiny Tuning Principle, for instance, will help you to discover your true purpose so that you can live your best and most fulfilling life. Even without understanding it from a law of attraction viewpoint, there are a lot of benefits from developing a sense of meaning…

For example, a UCL-led study of 9,050 people with an average age of 65 found that people with a sense of meaning and purpose tend to live longer than those who don’t. Researchers concluded that this increases mental health and physical health in several ways.

With Manifestation Miracle, we take you through a process of developing and enhancing a ‘growth-oriented mindset, we also help with cultivating an optimistic viewpoint and give you concrete strategies towards achieving the success in the area of your life that you want to improve.

There is so much greatness in you, so many exciting things that can be manifested and an exciting life ahead. Whether it’s the Law of Attraction, or whether you’ve just become the kind of person who naturally creates more positive opportunities, loves their life as it is right now, inspires others, and lives every day on a fresh new start… This is a highly beneficial personal development program regardless of your preconceived views.

Get The Manifestation Miracle today to Bring Prosperity into Your Life.

How To Attract A Life Of Prosperity And Abundance

I'm gonna keep this one short.
This is what Eddie Sergey told me.....
"When destiny calls, the brave answer and the weak ignore".
This is what he said further.  
Lemme ask you, do you believe in miracles?  
Acts of fate... or destiny?  
Or the general idea there's something far bigger than all of us, and we're all a part of it?  
Well, believe it or not, that may be the case.  
Especially if you’re trying to attract a life of abundance, passionate love… and fantastic health.  
Think about it:  
In all its vastness, the universe is truly a marvelous spectacle.  
Ageless, boundless and limitless... yet still capable of giving you your true desires if you focus on them, magnetise them into your life... and put in the little work needed to manifest those desires.  
Unfortunately, it's the part about actually getting your desires to the universe which usually bums some people out.  
And with good reason.  
Many people think you can “force” the universe to do your bidding... but we all know that's a lie.  
You cannot command the very fabric of space and time to give you a fast car, a bigger house... or your dream career.  
Nobody can.  
Not even me.  
Instead, it takes a bit more... finesse... if I should say so myself.  
There's a wrong way, and the right way to magnetise a life of prosperity and abundance.  
And if you want to see the right way… which is completely in line with your celestial destiny, then Click the links in the description below.  
After all, you are destined for greatness.  
The final key is whether you have what it takes to answer the call of destiny and achieve your true potential.  
Think you got what it takes?
Click the link HERE, and start taking action.


Wealth Is More Than Just Money

One of the most difficult points to reconcile in life is the paradox that suffering exists in this world. Suffering is imminent.

Of course, what is equally important is realizing that the acquisition and possession of wealth is not a ruler that measures one’s happiness. If joy truly were to be found in materials, then all those who experience the thrill of it by coming into contact with the object would observe the same measure of joy.

In life, men are continuously motivated by two inevitable impulses of repulsion – from sorrow and craving to seeking joy and absolute fulfillment. In the quest to embrace all happiness, he is compelled to run after the enjoyable and agreeable, while confronting the opposites, he avoids undesirable objects and disagreeable environments.

The fact is this. Throughout history, all achievers conscious or subconsciously have used five principles, which are common to absolute progress in all aspects of life.

These principles are a key to unlocking an amazing cache of wealth, abundance and success. They are all centered on our true innate qualities, which as a matter of fact, are universal and have a spiritual basis.

These principles are:

  • Truth
  • Righteousness
  • Peace
  • Love, and
  • Non-violence

The practice of these virtues will enable anyone to progress in life without any doubt.

The reason is simple.

These universal principles are all attractive and needless to say, they form the cornerstones of the code of ethics. You cannot go wrong practicing the importance of moral values, codes of conduct and obeying the Law of Nature in your pursuit of Wealth.

Discover the goal of reaching financial freedom while at the same time, acquiring the perfect art of happiness through the understanding, that the measure of joy is not ‘directly’ proportional to just monetary wealth.

While pessimism warns us of dangers lurking before our very own eyes, optimism may propel us into false security. Pessimism should only be considered initial and not a final predicament in any situation – this is the first step to success.

Time and again, we have been subjected to instances that are disturbing, and deep within us, we realize the potential dangers and risks surrounding us, and, the voice within adamantly rejects this threatening situation confronting us. Because we fail to recognize this voice within us, our mental clinging to the outer world detaches us from the inner voice of TRUTH, thereby throwing us totally of the tracks as it were.

The second step to success and wealth is to convince yourself of the importance of self-control, self-awareness, and self-discipline.

We must listen to the voice within, and realize the existence of the innate force or the Dynamic Willpower – the mighty power expressing through the mind, body and the intellect! Thus the second step qualifies that you develop faith in not just what you can do and achieve, but most importantly developing faith in yourself, your innate, inherent and latent qualities.

Step three requires that through constant vigilance, employing the power of intelligence, self-analysis, and introspection and through careful understanding and use of these concepts, you can learn to live beyond the demands of the mind in whatever environment you find yourself. This will qualify you to implement and embrace the road to wealth.

Nothing comes free. If you hate to put in any work and effort but love to attain success, you will have to reconsider your views.

So to achieve the latter, you have to do the former and the sensible idea is to find out what really gives us pleasure and then find out if it is possible to make money from doing it.

If you do not start, you will not succeed.”

The statement, haste makes waste, stands true even today, and more often than not, some of us tend to feel frustrated when we cannot live up to our ideals and the standards we set for ourselves all the time.

On other occasions, we may feel that had we taken the challenge that came our way, perhaps things may well have changed for the better, yet there is also the possibility that in our over anxiety to reach the goal, we try too hard and burn ourselves out entirely!

The question that now remains to be asked how do we begin, how can we achieve success in life?

There are many strategies that one can employ and various means through which you can plough yourself to achieving the goal. One common thread in all of them is self-belief, self-righteousness or honesty and, ethical living, in words, deeds, thoughts, and actions pertaining to your lifestyle – this is Step four.

In any business, the emphasis on moral and ethical standards ranks the highest, and this should not be ignored or overlooked.

The only way to achieve equanimity, balance or equilibrium, even after you become the wealthiest individual is to have your sense of realizing the true essence of life.

Nothing in life is constant. Life is ever changing and things that seem to have existence today may cease to exist tomorrow, and this is a fact, that you and everyone else – must learn to accept.

Step fivewhen you discover something profound and beautiful, the natural tendency is to share it with others.

Every person has the potential to succeed in life.

Wealth is more than just money.”

Check out the links below:

Effortlessly Manifest Your Dreams!

How To Manifest Wealth, Happiness, and Success

The Magical Science Behind The Law Of Attraction

Think and act like a millionaire-6 Steps


15 Minute Manifestation - Manifest Your Dreams

The 15 Minute Manifestation System is a personal development system which uses theta brainwave technology to literally remove negative thought patterns from your subconscious. Regular use of the system frees your mind from restrictive limitations and allows you to manifest positive changes in the real world. This is an audio system which is very easy to use. Simply listen to the digital audio file for 15 minutes each day. The audio contains theta brainwave technology, which is the same wave frequency found in deep sleep and meditation. Regular exposure to these theta waves unlocks your subconscious to its true potential. Instead of holding deep-seated beliefs based on fear and scarcity, your mind will be reprogrammed to think in terms of absolute abundance. As the deep subconscious part of your mind reboots and reprograms, changes will start to occur on the subatomic level. The resulting positive energy waves lead to the manifestation of improvements in practically every area of your life. 15 Minute Manifestation Features And Benefits: One-of-a-Kind Audio Program This is a unique manifestation program created by Eddie Sergey and based on his personal experiences. You won’t find this system anywhere else. Eddie’s personal story is very compelling. He created this system not to make money, but to actually overcome obstacles. Although he didn’t completely understand the process in the way an adult would, as a child he was able to manifest a cure for his brain cancer. Later, as a young man, he was again able to manifest a solution for his family’s woes. His innate understanding of the manifestation process, along with a lifetime of scientific study, has resulted in a powerful manifestation program unavailable anywhere else. Automatic Benefits 15 Minute Manifestation is probably the simplest manifestation technique I’ve ever encountered. There’s no lengthy instruction manual to read. No detailed visualizations to concentrate on. Basically, all you need to do is listen to the audio files. The Theta frequencies access your subconscious directly. They bypass the need for conscious thinking. After listening to the program for 21 days, your hidden, underlying thought patterns will be re-tuned to manifest the life you want. Pure Theta Frequencies and Relaxing Theta Sounds Eddie was smart enough to know where he needed assistance. He enlisted the help of both NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and hypnosis experts. Together, they created the pure theta frequencies which are key to accessing your subconscious. But you won’t actually hear the tones. Instead, you’ll listen to original nature sounds. Eddie recorded a variety of natural noises including rain, ocean waves, wind, stream beds and more. While your subconscious is reacting to the Theta tones, your conscious mind will feel relaxed by the nature sounds. What Makes it Unique This is far from the only manifestation program on the market. So what makes 15 Minute Manifestation different from the other options? Track 1: Your Natural State The first part of the program allows you to open up your mind. The frequencies and guided meditation techniques connect directly with the Editor. Deeply held, limiting beliefs are removed from your subconscious. Your brain is returned to its Natural State. This is similar to how your brain functioned when you were born. Your mind will be ready to accept the idea of limitless abundance. This first track is the foundation of the entire program. You’ll listen to this track more often than the others. Track 2: Your New Story Now that your mind is ready to accept a new routine, you’re ready to start visualizing what you want. This track reinforces the idea that scarcity is no longer a concern. Instead, the world is filled with abundance. This part of the system teaches you to observe where you are and what you want. Then you’ll begin to visualize what you want out of life. Track 3: Moving Towards Abundance This track helps you manifest your goals by actually changing your reality. Basically, your attention can either move you towards a goal or away from it. Track three teaches you how to harness your mental powers of manifestation and produce real results. The first two tracks prepare The Editor for positive change. Once your subconscious is ready, you’ll be able to turn your visualizations into reality. Bonus Deep Sleep Now Eddie has also developed an additional audio file which he includes free with purchase. Deep Sleep Now uses Delta brainwave frequencies to help you fall asleep quickly and stay asleep longer.

Manifest Your Dreams Now - with 15 MINUTE MANIFESTATION

The Secret Behind The Law Of Attraction

What is the secret behind the Law of Attraction? 

Why is it that some people can use the law so effectively while others cannot even manifest a cup of coffee? Well, there are two key principles that are involved in the Law of Attraction and once they are understood and utilized your ability to manifest whatever you want will be super-charged!

If you have been finding out more about the Law Of Attraction, you will have come across some reference to the film "The Secret". Although this film is truly excellent it is only an introduction to the fascinating subject of deliberate creation and the Law of Attraction.

There are two powerful, yet simple, statements that can fully explain the eternal workings of the Law of Attraction.

1. Like attracts like.

2. Whatever you put your attention on grows because you get more of what you focus on.

The first statement encapsulates the essence of the great Law of Attraction. This law states that energies that vibrate at similar rates are attracted to each other. This truth has a profound impact on our lives because we live in a vibrational universe. Everything you can see, touch, hear and smell is merely your brain interpreting vibrational energy that surrounds you.

If you are like the vast majority of people on planet Earth, then you will tend to view the world around and the universe at large, as being solid. However, science has shown us conclusively that it is not. As science has uncovered the atom, and quantum physics has gone even further by delving into the mysterious depths of the subatomic world, we have discovered that the universe is far from solid. Everything is composed of the same substance and at its very core, this substance is pure energy.

Science tells us that this universal energy is grouped into quanta of energy which vibrates at different frequencies. For the sake of better understanding, we can think of this as an energy form. It is this energy's vibrational frequency that determines whether it is solid to us or not. The lower the vibration the more solid an object appears – like a rock. The higher the frequency (or faster it vibrates) the less solid energy becomes to us – like a radio wave.

Absolutely everything that exists is composed of energy. Energy is the substance from which everything takes form. This includes physical objects including your environment and even your body. From a human perspective this energy, in its highest state, takes the form of thoughts and emotions. Your thoughts and emotions are the purest forms of energy that you have the ability to manipulate. As thoughts and emotions are energy, and like attracts like, it stands to reason that your thoughts and emotions are attracting energy forms that are similar to themselves.

Now we can take a closer look at the second principle behind the Law of Attraction. If the first statement encapsulates the essence of the Law of Attraction, then the second statement shows you how to use it! For whatever you focus your thoughts and emotions on, you will increase in your life because like attracts like. In order to successfully utilize the power of the Law of Attraction, it is essential for you to understand how to use this second principle of the Law of Attraction, even if you don't understand how it works.

Thoughts and emotions are a very high subtle form of energy but as like attracts like they will attract other energy forms that are in vibrational harmony with themselves even if these energy systems are at a lower (or slower) vibrational rate – like solid matter!

Many people find this simple truth hard to accept, but if you are honest with yourself and take a look at your own life, you will find ample evidence of this law at work. If you place your focus on the things you do not want, like your lack of financial resources, bills or the poor communication in your interpersonal relationships, what do you notice happens in these areas of your life? More bills will pile up, and your intimate relationships will stay exactly the same, at best, or will get a good deal worse.

It is by understanding the principles of the Law of Attraction, that we can understand how close to the truth the saying that "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" actually is! This is because rich people tend to focus on their existing wealth and how to expand it, while poor people tend to focus on their bills and lack of capital.

Therefore, if you wish to consciously create your own life and become a deliberate creator, you must follow the two key principles of the Law of Attraction.

Firstly, Like Attracts Like. Understand that this is a universe that is based on attraction. Like energies attract like energies or better put, energies attract harmonious energies. Therefore your thoughts and emotions attract harmonious energies which include energy forms that take the shape of physical matter. As thoughts and emotions are of the highest form of vibrational energy that we have, the ability to manipulate these energies will attract other energies of slower vibrational rate of which physical matter is one.

Science tells us that this universal energy is grouped into quanta of energy which vibrates at different frequencies. For the sake of better understanding, we can think of this as an energy form. It is this energy's vibrational frequency that determines whether it is solid to us or not. The lower the vibration the more solid an object appears – like a rock. The higher the frequency (or faster it vibrates) the less solid energy becomes to us – like a radio wave.

Follow these two principles of the Law of Attraction and you will transform your life and become a deliberate creator.

Click on the links below to know more.

Manifestation Miracle

15 Minute Manifestation

Manifestation Magic

Discover How to Manifest Anything Using Law Of Attraction

Is it easy to learn how to manifest anything? Successful people in the world have proved that it can be done, and it's not that hard. All that it needs is practice and consistency.

Everything in this world is made of energy. Manifestation is using thought, and a few simple exercises to bring about that energy in a form that you desire. It all starts with belief, without which you will not be able to manifest.

Let us look at some simple steps to create abundance in your life.

Focus on your desire. Think of your desires in a positive form, as if you have already acquired them. Imagine how you would feel and what you will do when you acquire them. For example, imagine money received by you, and how you will bask in that glory. Any form of doubt or negativity will only take you away from manifesting your desires.

Align yourself with the object of your desire. If money is your focus align yourself with it. If acquiring a job or reaching a milestone is your focus align with them. Get the feel of having manifested them. Make it real for yourself.

Be open to receiving what attraction brings you. When that manifestation happens, you must receive it.

You need to ask for what it is that you desire. By aligning with your thoughts and focusing on achieving and willingness to receive, you will begin to start exercising the laws of attraction to manifest anything in your life.

Manifest and Start Living The Life You Were Meant To Live. Draw Money, Success, and Happiness.

For more information, click on the links in the descriptions below.

Secret To Living The Life Of Your Dreams And Manifest Abundance

How To Manifest Wealth, Happiness, and Success

The Magical Science Behind The Law Of Attraction

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